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What is HackNC?

HackNC is a weekend for students of all skill levels to broaden their talents. Your challenge is to make an awesome project in just 24 hours. You will have access to hands-on tech workshops, sponsor networking, as well as exciting talks about the awesome things happening right now with computer science and technology - not to mention all of the free food, shirts, stickers, and swag! We are the largest hackathon in the southeastern United States.

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What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is a weekend of fun and learning. You'll become a better programmer, meet awesome people, and make cool projects. There will also be opportunities to win fun prizes and network with our sponsors.


Can I still register?

Yes! Late registration deadline is 5pm on Friday, November 1st. No exceptions.


Do I need extensive coding knowledge for HackNC?

Not at all! HackNC is a completely beginner friendly event, and we have a project track specifically for beginners. We'll have plenty of resources to help you get started, including beginner workshops, mentors, and more.


How do teams work?

Teams can be organized prior to HackNC or during the event itself. If you are already in a team, then you’re all set! You just have to write your members’ names on the Devpost submission. If not, that's completely fine! We have a team building event on Friday (Nov 1st), where you can meet other participants and form your teams. We don’t hold a strict limit on your team size, but we strongly recommend around 3-4 members. Prizes will be limited to a maximum of 4 members.


Can I use old code?

You may use all publicly available code and APIs, but the final submitted code must be original.


I’m committed to this project. Are there places to sleep at the event?

Yep! We will provide bedding at Fetzer Gym in designated sleeping areas, Though overnight accommodation does not account for blankets, so be sure to bring your own.


Where do I park?

Parking will be free over the weekend. Please find availability in Rams Deck, Craige Deck, or Cobb Deck.


Do I need to bring a form of ID to the event?

Yes. If you are a UNC student, you can bring your OneCard. Otherwise, you can bring any form of valid ID.


Is this hackathon in-person or hybrid?

This year, we are running a completely in-person hackathon! We have lots of fun events and workshops for you all and most importantly, free food!


Do I have to be present all day? Do I have to show up on Friday?

Nope! Hackers are free to leave and come back whenever on all three days as long as they check in. Attendance is voluntary, but if you’re submitting a project, make sure to be there during judging on Sunday!


Who can hack?

If you are a student at UNC, there is no age requirement. If you are coming from outside UNC, you must be 18 years of age or older to attend! High schoolers, undergraduates, and graduate students from any school are welcome to participate as hackers. Professionals interested in mentorship should register above to get started.


Can I do a hardware hack?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide hardware this year. However, you are still welcome to use your own hardware if you really want to!


When will we get a schedule for the event?

Hacker schedules will be sent out the week before to people who are registered and posted on our website!


Is this a Campus Life Experience?

Yes! UNC students will be able to receive CLE credit by attending this event.


I’m coming to HackNC from afar. Are there reimbursements for travel?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide travel reimbursements this year due to budget limitations.


You didn’t answer my question!

Email us at hello@hacknc.com. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.

Major League Hacking 2025 Hackathon Season